Thursday 22 January 2015 at 10h00

A long breakaway initiated and assumed until the end by William Clarke (Drapac) didn't manage to hold on until the end in the 3rd stage of the Santos Tour Down Under 2015 today but, as expected, the stage victory wasn't decided in a sprint. Rohan Dennis turned out to be the strongest in the climb which led to the finish and the Australian rider also takes the leader's jersey in the general classification.

The summary of the 3rd stage of the Santos Tour Down Under 2015: Norwood > Paracombe - 143.2 km

After an unsuccessful attempt by Martin Kohler (Drapac), it was up to William Clarke to attack early in the stage. The Australian rider, who was part of the AG2R La Mondiale team in the past, was joined by 3 other riders, Lasse Norman Hansen (Cannondale-Garmin), Calvin Watson (Trek Factory Racing) and Axel Domont (AG2R La Mondiale) and their gap went up to 3'30" at about one hundred kilometers from the finish.

Once they arrived on the circuit around Lobethal which they had to do 3 times, the gap of the breakaway is still around 3 minutes and the initiator of today's breakaway, William Clarke, wins the first intermediate sprint. He did this again in the second lap of the circuit, just before the breakaway lost an element, since Axel Domont stopped his efforts.
For the remaining leading trio it was again William Clarke who won the intermediate sprint in the 3rd lap of the circuit and about ten kilometers further Lasse Norman Hansen and a bit later Calvin Watson as well are no longer able to stay in the lead of the race.

At 15 kilometers from the finish, Will Clarke's gap passes just under one minute while the peloton fell apart due to the efforts at the head of the peloton to try to get back on the breakaway.

When there's only 8 kilometers left, Clarke's adventure also comes to an end and we thus get ready for the exciting final of this stage, which ended with the climb of Torrens Hill, a 2nd category climb.
In this climb, Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale), Tom Dumoulin (Team Giant-Alpecin), Cadel Evans (BMC Racing Team) and Richie Porte (Team Sky) attack and the Australian rider Richie Porte seems to really want to win this stage. He didn't count on Cadel Evans' team mate Rohan Dennis however, since he counter attacked and went on solo to win this stage! At this same occasion, Rohan Dennis also takes the lead in the general classification.

The classifications of the Tour Down Under 2015 after the 3rd stage


The classification of the 3rd stage between Norwood and Paracombe

Here's the top 10 of this 3rd stage:

1/ Rohan Dennis (BMC Racing Team) - 3h35'08"
2/ Cadel Evans (BMC Racing Team) - +0'03"
3/ Tom Dumoulin (Team Giant-Alpecin)
4/ Maxime Bouet (Etixx-QuickStep) - +0'05"
5/ Michael Rogers (Tinkoff-Saxo)
6/ Richie Porte (Team Sky)
7/ Jack Haig (UniSA Australia)
8/ Ruben Fernandez (Movistar Team)
9/ Domenico Pozzovivo (AG2R La Mondiale)
10/ Simon Geschke (Team Giant-Alpecin) - +0'13"

The general classification after the 3rd stage

Thanks to his stage victory and to the gap he had on the other riders at the finish, Rohan Dennis (BMC Racing Team) also takes the lead in the general classification, followed at 7 seconds by his team mate while it lasts, Cadel Evans.

Here's the top 5 of the general classification after the 3rd stage of the Santos Tour Down Under 2015:

1/ Rohan Dennis (BMC Racing Team) - 10h17'06"
2/ Cadel Evans (BMC Racing Team) - +0'07"
3/ Tom Dumoulin (Team Giant-Alpecin) - +0'09"
4/ Richie Porte (Team Sky) - +0'15"
5/ Jack Haig (UniSA Australia)

The video summary of the 3rd stage of the Tour Down Under 2015

Tomorrow's stage: Glenelg > Mount Barker

The 4th stage of the Santos Tour Down Under 2015 will take place tomorrow between Glenelg and Mount Barker over a distance of 144.5 kilometers. A 2nd category climb in the first half of the stage shouldn't prevent the sprinters from battling for victory in this 4th stage. See the race route of the 4th stage of the Santos Tour Down Under 2015.

door Thomas Vergouwen
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