Wednesday 03 March 2010 at 00h19

As you might know the Tour of Qatar (7-12 February) and the Tour of Oman (14-19 February) took place two weeks ago.

The Tour of Qatar was won by Wouter Mol (Vacansoleil Pro Cycling Team), with Heinrich Haussler (Cervélo TestTeam) winning the ranking by points and Roger Kluge (Team Milram) taking the best young rider's jersey home. The Tour of Oman was won by Fabian Cancellara (Team Saxo Bank) but Edvald Boasson Hagen (Team Sky) took both the green and the white jersey.

Viral Verse, a UK team of poets and film makers passionate about creating video poetry that rocks, decided to create a video poet tribute to the young Norwegian rider.

That's what I call an original way of summarising a race and since I didn't publish a summary of these races, I thought you might be interested discovering the video poem!

Here's the text of the poem (hoping I didn't make too much mistakes writing down the poem):
  • They came with promiss and victory on their lips
    Sinus tart, eyes balled
    Team Sky from Down Under to the Middle East

    In Qatar they began with a podium win
    Strategised, energised, a new team of power bursting within
    But the next day dawn than the God's claim their toll
    Arvesen down, Hagen dazed, only Stannard kept our gaze

    In the days to follow, the wind whipped hope away
    Blood spilled, bones broke
    We scan the pack for blue and black
    But our young team ... had fallen back

    Veterans Boonen and Chicchi held tight to the reins
    Determined to graters whose fight never waned
    We wanted Wiggins of Arabia
    And got Gallipoli instead

    So Sunderland spoke of fine tuning in the last stage ahead
    At the Doha Corniche shake settled and shade
    And watched sprinters blow past seven loops to be made
    Mad dogs and cyclists stretched thin on the coast

    And than, the last lap, all changed in a pit for the post
    Our men revved their engines and we rose from our seats
    Held our breaths as Team Sky slight straight through the meat
    The trophy, not earned, but our hopes reignited

    In a young lad named Eddy
    A bomb blast once lighted

    In Oman, two days later, in a neon lit night
    Crowds curious of cyclists lined sidewalks for sight
    Colours blazed past, a peloton haboob
    And in the last few meters the black and the blue

    So began the story of success for our lad
    Eddy Bos, Ready Boss had landed at last
    The Norwegian took three jerseys, twice in the Tour
    A powerhouse we shouted out, a threat to Contador for sure

    Yes, the fourth stage of controversy in which our leader fell back
    But, victory is sweetest once you've been punched in the gut
    In the final time trial the blond bullet pierced flesh
    Seventeen seconds between him and the rest

    So stand up or hush up
    A new boy's in town
    Eddy Bos, Steady Boss is shaking the ground
    A young team with big dreams and pockets to match

    The old guard will fold card
    Our soldiers will trash
    Team Sky to battle

door Thomas Vergouwen
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this publication is published in: Cycling general (except Tour de France)


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    | Roland TISSIER | Wednesday 03 March 2010 om 08h37

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