door Thomas Vergouwen
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6 commentaires | 40529 vues

cette publication est référencée dans : Tour de France | Tour de France 2023 | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth


Il y a actuellement 6 commentaires !
  1. Thanks for all your work over the years! Really enjoy it to have all the race routes available in Google Earth.

    | Vitus | 27 2023 om 02h36

  2. Thank you very much for this. I am looking forward to it every year.

    | John Janssen | 27 2023 om 14h47

  3. I was looking forward to open the kmz-file in Google Earth, but in a full hour of trying to download it, I din't succeed, nor by clicking the link nor by copy-pasting the url in a new window. I'll try again later.

    | Ronald Duk | 27 2023 om 17h02

  4. I created a public iCal calendar based on this website and links to all stages.

    | KvR | 28 2023 om 11h34

  5. Thanks again, Thomas! Like the others, each year I look forward to downloading the KMZ file.

    | Huntbox | 29 2023 om 01h49

  6. Downloading the kmz file doesn't work, neither does the alternative link

    | hosch | 02 2023 om 17h02

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