door Thomas Vergouwen
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11 commentaires | 29339 vues

cette publication est référencée dans : Tour de France | Tour de France 2022 | OpenStreetMap/Google Maps/Google Earth


Il y a actuellement 11 commentaires !
  1. Thomas, your link: "Téléchargez le parcours de toutes les étapes du Tour de France 2022 dans Google Earth" points to your older 2021 file, not to a new 2022 file. Thanks.

    | Huntbox | 25 2022 om 21h47

  2. Oops @Huntbox, my bad! I corrected that now, so you should find the 2022 file when clicking on it again :).

    | Thomas Vergouwen | 25 2022 om 22h57

  3. Thank you again for this wonderful service and the hard work that went into it. I cannot imagine a TdF without it.

    | John | 29 2022 om 16h21

  4. Thanks, Thomas, for fixing the link. I look forward to getting the Google Earth files every year.

    | Huntbox | 29 2022 om 19h42

  5. Bonjour Thomas

    Merci de nous partager votre amour du vélo.On est bien content de découvrir les commentaires et analyses de vos publications

    | Christian Vence | 01 2022 om 20h41

  6. You have a very interesting site but I cant find the link for the kmz file of the tour 2022 route

    | Dan | 03 2022 om 08h59

  7. Hi, the KML link is not working ? Where can i download ?

    | erik | 04 2022 om 12h16

  8. Hello @Dan #6 and @erik #7,

    The link to the KMZ file is at the end of the article (both in text and on the image with the full map) and it *is* working correctly. As indicated, if it doesn't work, you should copy it and paste it in the address bar in a new tab or window in your browser and press enter. You should open it with a fully compatible KMZ reading app.

    | Thomas Vergouwen | 04 2022 om 14h45

  9. link to kmz did not work in Chrome. But Firefox did well... Thx Thomas.

    | rb | 05 2022 om 16h42

  10. Bonjour ,le lien ne fonctionne pas ,il donne ceci

    | xav | 21 2022 om 18h00

  11. Bonjour ,
    Très bonne page ,ne manque que le Tour de France féminin pour Google Earth

    | xav | 28 2022 om 16h26

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