Photographs > French championships 2014 ladies and amateurs

  • Below you can find an overview of the 61 photographs from the category French championships 2014 ladies and amateurs. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) happy with his gold medal (435x)Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) celebrates his victory (384x)Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) concentrated during the French national anthem (403x)Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) celebrates his victory (2) (467x)
      The podium of the French Championships amateurs: Mainard, Guyot & Turgis (597x)The podium of the French Championships amateurs: Mainard, Guyot & Turgis (2) (443x)Yann Guyot (Armée de Terre) and his gold medal (447x)The amateur medallists: Jérôme Mainard, Yann Guyot & Anthony Turgis (409x)
      The breakaway in the ladies race (215x)Pauline Ferrand Prevot (Rabo Liv) (404x)The peloton of the ladies race (422x)Marion Rousse (Lotto-Belisol) (531x)
      Ophelie Fenart (Ile de France) (446x)Mathilde Favre (Rhone-Alpes), Manon Bourdiaux (Bourgogne) & Celine Ondet (Centre) (541x)Marine Strappazzon (Franche Comte) & Morgane Coston (Auvergne) (424x)Alessia Bugeia (Normandie) (330x)
      Pauline Ferrand Prevot (Rabo Liv) on her way to victory (448x)Pauline Ferrand Prevot (Rabo Liv) wins the Championship (440x)Pauline Ferrand Prevot (Rabo Liv) wins the Championship (2) (470x)Melodie Lesueur (Lointek Team), 2nd (430x)
      Melodie Lesueur (Lointek Team), 2nd (2) (433x)Lots of people at the women's race (313x)Lots of people at the women's race (2) (416x)Fanny Riberot (Lointek Team), 3rd (500x)
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