Photographs > 8th stage Tour de France 2010: start in Station des Rousses

  • Below you can find an overview of the 178 photographs from the category 8th stage Tour de France 2010: start in Station des Rousses. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Edvald Boasson Hagen (Team Sky) (250x)Vladimir Karpets (Katusha Team) (208x)Samuel Dumoulin (Cofidis) (222x)Chris Anker Sørensen (Team Saxo Bank) (210x)
      Wesley Sulzberger (FDJ) (235x)Pierre Rolland (Bbox Bouygues Telecom) (227x)Alexandre Vinokourov (Astana) (241x)Jakob Fuglsang (Team Saxo Bank) (360x)
      Robbie McEwen (Katusha Team) (333x)Rémy di Gregorio (FDJ) (459x)Robert Hunter (Team Garmin-Transitions) (435x)Linus Gerdemann (Team Milram) (450x)
      Ryder Hesjedal (Garmin-Transitions) (469x)Christopher Horner (Team Radioshack) (376x)Geraint Thomas (Team Sky) (350x)Maxim Iglinsky (Astana) (429x)
      Maxim Iglinsky (Astana) (2) (450x)Gerald Ciolek (Team Milram) (467x)Bradley Wiggins (Team Sky) (497x)Janez Brajkovic (Team Radioshack) (582x)
      Nicki Sørensen (Team Saxo Bank) (459x)Matti Breschel (Team Saxo Bank) (457x)Lars Boom (Rabobank) (281x)Danilo Hondo (Lampre-Farnese Vini) (279x)
      | Previous page (97 - 120)| Next page (145 - 168)