Photographs > Paris-Nice 2009 - first stage Amilly (individual time trial)

Below you can find an overview of the 171 photographs from the category Paris-Nice 2009 - first stage Amilly (individual time trial). On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Sylvain Chavanel & Kevin de Weert (Quick.Step) (1158x)
Sylvain Chavanel (Quick.Step) (764x)
Kevin de Weert (Quick.Step) (680x)
Bram Tankink (Rabobank) drinks from his water bottle (779x)
Mathew Hayman (Rabobank) plays with his iPod (1046x)
Erik Dekker (Rabobank) (1475x)
Mathew Hayman & Bram Tankink (Rabobank) (470x)
Bram Tankink (Rabobank) (422x)
A car of the Astana team (423x)
Michael Schär (Astana) (573x)
Sérgio Paulinho & Michael Schär (Astana) (439x)
Sérgio Paulinho (Astana) (409x)
Samuel Dumoulin (Cofidis) (589x)
Samuel Dumoulin (Cofidis) (2) (395x)
Mickaël Buffaz (Cofidis) (566x)
Damien Monier, Mickaël Buffaz & Samuel Dumoulin (Cofidis) (690x)
Damien Monier (Cofidis) (353x)
Mickaël Buffaz & Samuel Dumoulin (Cofidis) (512x)