Photographs > Caen

Below you can find an overview of the 11 photographs from the category Caen. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Have a look on the videos from this category as well!!

The church 'Saint-Pierre' (480x)
The chapel 'Saint-Georges' on the castle terrain (486x)
Ricou the stairs tiger (305x)
The tower of the 'Saint-Pierre' church (287x)
Fabian in one of the bunkers (in Arromanches) (291x)
Marie-Laure, Florent & Anne-Cécile (416x)
Bocco's friends sing her a song (291x)
Bocco enjoys her song (306x)
Champagne! (318x)
The disco lights (323x)
The dog directly drinks from the tap!! (281x)