Photographs > Marine museum

  • Below you can find an overview of the 14 photographs from the category Marine museum. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Virginie and the Louis XV (119x)A painting (129x)A painting (113x)Virginie & Virginie in front of an original boat (125x)
      Model of a boat (161x)Virginie & Virginie in front of a statue (130x)The impressive front of a boat (127x)Wooden statues of a boat (118x)
      Wooden statues of a boat (114x)A wooden statue of a boat (107x)A wooden statue of a boat (124x)A painting of a French harbor (113x)
      A Dutch painting (114x)A model of a boat (135x)