Photographs > Tour de France 2008 : famous people

Below you can find an overview of the 10 photographs from the category Tour de France 2008 : famous people. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

Jean-Julien Ezvan (Le Figaro) receives the Prix Jacques Goddet (1666x)
Christian Prudhomme and Patrice Clerc just after the first Village Départ opened in Brest (629x)
Sean Kelly in the RTBF show à bicyclette (1) (609x)
Sean Kelly in the RTBF show à bicyclette (2) (533x)
Laurent Jalabert signs a shirt (620x)
Eric Caritoux & Vincent Lavenu (AG2R La Mondiale) being interviewed by Vincent Barteau (Europe 1) (590x)
Laurent Jalabert on the motor for France Télévisions (554x)
Nathalie & Laurent Jalabert (12426x)
Laurent Jalabert (555x)
Patrice Clerc, former director of A.S.O. (544x)