Photographs > Ski Font-Romeu (January 2005)

  • Below you can find an overview of the 23 photographs from the category Ski Font-Romeu (January 2005). On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Bernard in the back of Marco's car (348x)Isabelle's C3 in the snow (205x)Virginie shows the new winter classics ;-) (187x)Wintery trees (201x)
      Sébastien, Anne-Cécile, Stefan & Marie-Laure (210x)Sébastien, Anne-Cécile, Stefan & Marie-Laure (252x)Thomas (172x)The sun shining through the tree in the snow (182x)
      Sébastien (197x)Sébastien (193x)Sébastien, Anne-Cécile & Stefan (178x)Anne-Cécile, Stefan, Marie-Laure & Sébastien (216x)
      The sun shining through the tree in the snow (214x)Sébastien overviewing the wintery landscape (202x)The sun going down behind the ski stick (216x)Sunset in a wintery landscape (215x)
      The higher part of Font-Romeu (206x)Stefan, Sébastien, Anne-Cécile & Marie-Laure (229x)The sun shines through the trees (185x)The sunset in a wintery landscape (222x)
      Anne-Cécile & Stefan (195x)Sun set (253x)Sun set (310x)