Photographs > Rotterdam

  • Below you can find an overview of the 18 photographs from the category Rotterdam. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      [The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Isabelle taking a picture from the watertaxi (230x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Hotel New York (220x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Isabelle & Cédric in front of the Euromast (177x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Isabelle in the sun (179x)
      [The Netherlands - Rotterdam] A queue of people waiting near the house of Pim Fortuyn (209x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Ellen in front of Delfshaven (176x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Ellen and Isabelle in front of Delfshaven (182x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Ellen and Gilbert in front of Delfshaven (211x)
      [The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Ellen, Gilbert, Isabelle & Cédric in Delfshaven (169x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Delfshaven (173x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Thomas (183x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Thomas (186x)
      [The Netherlands - Rotterdam] The house where Piet Heyn was born (243x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Ellen in the car (188x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Euromast (168x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Euromast (177x)
      [The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Gilbert with large wooden shoes (190x)[The Netherlands - Rotterdam] Cédric & Isabelle with large wooden shoes (209x)