Photographs > Tour de France 2014: 14- Grenoble-Risoul

  • Below you can find an overview of the 17 photographs from the category Tour de France 2014: 14- Grenoble-Risoul. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Christian Prudhomme being interviewed by France Bleu (607x)Arnaud Gerard (Bretagne-Seche) at the Powerbar stand (441x)Arnaud Gerard & Anthony Delaplace (Bretagne-Seche) at the Powerbar stand (420x)Benoit Jarrier ???? (Bretagne-Seche) at the Powerbar stand (398x)
      Simon Spilak (Katusha) (415x)Simon Spilak (Katusha) at the Powerbar stand (459x)Mickael Delage ( at the Powerbar stand (400x)Mickael Delage ( at the Powerbar stand (2) (421x)
      Mickael Delage ( goes off with his Cochonou bag (420x)Gatis Smukulis (Katusha) at the Powerbar stand (465x)Jean-Christophe Peraud (AG2R La Mondiale) at the Powerbar stand (412x)Jean-Christophe Peraud (AG2R La Mondiale) at the Powerbar stand (2) (392x)
      Roger Kluge (IAM) at the Powerbar stand (417x)Jean-Christophe Peraud (AG2R La Mondiale) (439x)Cheng Ji (Giant-Shimano) (405x)The breakaway just before Bourg d'Oisans (453x)
      Vincenzo Nibali protected by his Astana team (415x)