Photographs > Varese 2008: surroundings, nature, nice views and the Mapei Cycling Stadium

  • Below you can find an overview of the 60 photographs from the category Varese 2008: surroundings, nature, nice views and the Mapei Cycling Stadium. On this page every photograph is already depicted as a thumbnail in order to give you a preview of it. Click on the thumbnail below in order to open a new window with the large version of the photograph.

      Some volunteers in the Mapei Cycling Stadium with François-Xavier & Florence in front (266x)Some of the volunteers in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (240x)The grandstands in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (232x)Last repetition for the opening ceremony: how do I hold a flag ... (210x)
      The signature platform in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (216x)The Tribuna Binda in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (244x)The RAI studio (214x)A cow in the colours of the World Championships (191x)
      A firemen bike (291x)Florence during the opening ceremony (223x)View over the lake close to our camping in Ghirla (358x)François-Xavier & Florence in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (266x)
      The World Championships finish line in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (284x)Marco & Florence in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (272x)Thomas & Florence in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (286x)Laurent Jalabert - at the World Championships for France Télévisions (347x)
      Cédric Vasseur (327x)The warming up area for the time trial (338x)The start ramp for the time trial (778x)Jeroen Blijlevens & Thomas in the Mapei Cycling Stadium (382x)
      Florence celebrates her birthday ... with only one candle (316x)Charly Mottet & François-Xavier (619x)The finish arch (429x)Egon van Kessel (Dutch team manager) in a conversation with Gio Lippens (Dutch Radio) (409x)
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